- Painless, non-invasive collection ensures optimal animal welfare
- High quality and high quantity DNA which allows for multiple assays from a single sample
- Proven performance with livestock and companion animals for parentage, breed identity, inherited disease testing, genotyping, sequencing and sufficient sample to bio-bank.
- DNA sample is stable for 1 year at room temperature post collection and 24 month pre-collection
- Validated for multiple PCR assays and on Illumina, Affymetrics, Fluidigm platforms.
- Reliable across all collection environments – barn, field, clinic or home.
- Samples can be shipped without the need for cold chain transport using the standard postal system making them ideal for mailing studies.
- Very low bacterial content resulting in fewer failed samples
- Bar-coded for full sample traceability
- All-in-one system for collection, stabilization and transport
- Parentage, breed identity, genetic diseases, genetic traits
- Kennel clubs, breed associations, producers/farmers, breeders
- Simple, non-invasive DNA sample collection devices which allows for optimal welfare of the animal
- DNA sample is stable at room temperature for 1 year; cold chain is not required which allows the sample to be mailed through the standard postal system
- Collection methods include nasal, oral or vaginal
- Reliable across all collection environments – barn, field, clinic or home.
- Collect at any age from birth (newborn) to adult animals
- Customizable packaging
- All-in-one system for collection, stabilization and transport
- Painless, non-invasive collection ensures optimal animal welfare
- High quality and high quantity DNA which allows for multiple assays from a single sample
- Proven performance with livestock and companion animals for parentage, breed identity, inherited disease testing, genotyping, sequencing and sufficient sample to bio-bank.
- Samples can be shipped without the need for cold chain transport using the standard postal system
- Bar-coded to enable sample to be traced throughout workflow
- DNA sample is stable for 1 year at room temperature post collection and 24 month pre-collection
- Tube integrates into lab automation systems to increase efficiency
- Validated for multiple PCR assays and on Illumina, Affymetrics, Fluidigm platforms.
- Reliable across all collection environments – barn, field, clinic or home.
- Very low bacterial content resulting in fewer failed samples
- Customizable packaging
- All-in-one system for collection, stabilization and transport
- Animal should not eat for 30 minutes or drink for 10 minutes before saliva collection.
- Do NOT scrape the animal’s teeth or cheek with the sponge.
- Do NOT allow the animal to chew or bite the sponge.
- Optimized chemistry for maximum recovery of animal DNA from samples collected with PERFORMAgene
- High quantity of DNA allows for multiple assays from a single sample
- Proven to provide consistent results with high molecular weight (greater than 23 kb)
- DNA suitable for a wide range of downstream applications including microarray and sequencing
- Very low bacterial content resulting in fewer failed samples
- Bar-coded for integration into laboratory information systems
- Performagne samples can be banked for 1 year at room temperature or frozen for longer term storage. These samples can withstand multiple freeze thaw cycles.
- Convenient workflow with complete technical support from collection through extraction
- Tube integrates into lab automation systems to increase efficiency, minimize sample handling steps and reduce handling errors
- The purification protocol recommended for applications requiring very high quality DNA, for example microarray or sequencing, is the 0.5ml purification protocol (PG-AC1/4)
- RNA removal by double-RNase digestion PD-PR-040
- DNA Quantification Using SYBR Green I Dye and a Micro-Plate Reader PD-PR-075
- From turbidity to clarity: Simple methods to improve the A260/A280 ratio of Oragene®-purified DNA samples
- Larger 'mail to' mailing envelope (9" x 12")
- Smaller 'return' bubble envelope marked "exempt animal specimen" (6" x 10")
- Blank mailing labels (2 per mailing solution)
- Sample Mailing Instructions (1 per mailing solution)
- MO-B kit assembly instructions
- Absorbent material in liquid-tight bag sufficient to soak up at least 4mL of liquid.
- Parentage verification
- Animal identification
- Genetic disease diagnostic
- DNA banking
- Value added genetic traits
- Genetic analysis for breeding programs
- Identification of microbial DNA
- Validated on Illumina's Low Density, BovineSNP50 BeadChip, OvineSNP50 BeadChip, EquineSNP70 Beadchip, and High Density SNP Genotyping platforms
- Validated on Affymetrix's Axiom Genome-Wide BOS 1 array platform
- Validated on the Sequenom platform
- Validated on the Fluidigm EP1 system
- Validated on microsatellite panels
- Validated on many PCR panel
PERFORMAgene | PG-100

Collect superior DNA samples for animal genetics
PERFORMAgene is a simple all-in-one non-invasive swab kit for the collection, stabilization and transportation of animal DNA samples. Our animal DNA collection kits offer ease of use and proven reliability across all animal collection environments - be it the barn, the field, the clinic or the home.
Proven performance for a range of animal applications including genotyping, sequencing, parentage, DNA diagnostics & bio-banking.
Market Focus
Ideal for use with livestock (bovine, ovine, caprine), companion animals (canine, feline, equine) and other species by researchers, breeders, laboratories and consumers.
Genomic Service Labs
Genomic Service Labs
PERFORMAgene | PG-100
PERFORMAgene | PG-100 Oral
Collection precautions
Precautions: Tube contains liquid. Do NOT spill. This liquid preserves the DNA sample and is required by the lab to analyze your sample.
Attention: Do NOT remove the cap prior to sample collection.
Place the sponge in animal's mouth at the cheek pouch as shown in figure. Collect saliva for 30 seconds by moving sponge and mopping saliva where it naturally pools (in the cheek pouch and under the tongue). For animals older than 6 months, moderate restraint may be required.
Hold the tube upright and unscrew the cap from the tube.
Turn the cap upside down and place the oral swab in the tube. Screw cap on tightly to prevent liquid sample from leaking during transport.
Invert and shake the tube vigorously 10 times to thoroughly mix sample.
Optional: using a permanent marker, clearly write the animal identification number on the white space available on the tube label.
Watch the PG-100 Oral collection instruction video
Video instructions
PERFORMAgene | PG-100 Oral
Print instructions
PERFORMAgene | PG-100 Oral
Additional notes
Intended use: This product is designed for the collection of DNA from animals.
Warnings: Wash with water if the liquid comes in contact with eyes or skin. Do NOT ingest.
Store at room temperature 15°C–25°C (59°F-77°F)
PERFORMAgene | PG-100 Nasal
Collection precautions
A clean nostril provides the best DNA sample. However, traces of dirt or feed in the nostrils is acceptable. When possible avoid collecting nasal swabs immediately after the animal has eaten. Ensure the collection sponge does not touch anything other than the animal's nostril to prevent contamination of sample.
Precautions: Tube contains liquid. Do NOT spill. This liquid preserves the DNA sample and is required by the lab to analyze your sample.
Attention: Do NOT remove the cap prior to sample collection.
Holding the tube, rub the nasal swab inside the animal’s nostril for up to 5 seconds. Ensure that the sponge looks wet and is coated with the nasal sample to achieve the best DNA collection. For animals older than 6 months, moderate restraint may be required.
Hold the tube upright and unscrew the cap from the tube.
Turn the cap upside down and place the nasal swab in the tube. Screw cap on tightly to prevent liquid sample from leaking during transport.
Invert and shake the tube vigorously 10 times to thoroughly mix sample.
Optional: using a permanent marker, clearly write the animal identification number on the white space available on the tube label.
Watch the PG-100 Nasal collection instruction video
Video instructions
PERFORMAgene | PG-100 Nasal
Print instructions
PERFORMAgene | PG-100 Nasal
Additional notes
Intended use: This product is designed for the collection of DNA from animals.
Warnings: Wash with water if the liquid comes in contact with eyes or skin. Do NOT ingest.
Store at room temperature 15°C–25°C (59°F-77°F)
PERFORMAgene | PG-100 Vaginal
Collection precautions
A clean vagina provides the best DNA sample. However, traces of dirt and feces are acceptable. When possible avoid collecting a sample immediately after the animal has defecated. Ensure the collection sponge does not touch anything other than the animal's vagina to prevent contamination of the sample.
Precautions: Tube contains liquid. Do NOT spill. This liquid preserves the DNA sample and is required by the lab to analyze your sample.
Attention: Do NOT remove the cap prior to sample collection.
Properly restrain the animal regardless of the age. Holding the tube upright in one hand, use the other hand to move the tail out of the way. Insert the sponge into the vagina and collect sample by moving the sponge up and down 5 times. For animals which have significant visible feces, we recommend spreading the vulva using two fingers before inserting the sponge.
Hold the tube upright and unscrew the cap from the tube.
Turn the cap upside down and place the vaginal swab in the tube. Screw cap on tightly to prevent liquid sample from leaking during transport.
Invert and shake the tube vigorously 10 times to thoroughly mix sample.
Optional: using a permanent marker, clearly write the animal identification number on the white space available on the tube label.
Print instructions
PERFORMAgene | PG-100 Vaginal
Additional notes
Intended use: This product is designed for the collection of DNA from animals.
Warnings: Wash with water if the liquid comes in contact with eyes or skin. Do NOT ingest.
Store at room temperature 15°C–25°C (59°F-77°F)
Collection – Literature
Data Sheets
Case Studies
Scientific Posters
Maximize animal DNA recovery for your genetic applications.
The critical step in any animal genetic application is the extraction of DNA from collected samples. Maximize the recovery of DNA from your PERFORMAgene samples with the PG-AC extraction kit.
Animal DNA Purification Reagents
There are two reagent packages optimized for PERFORMAgene.
Product Code | Sample Preparation Volume | Number of Preparations |
PG-AC1 (microarray, sequencing) | 0.5 mL | 2000 |
PG-AC4 (microarray, sequencing) | 0.5 mL | 65 |
We recommend the following protocols to improve your sample preparation:
Please refer to the Troubleshooting Guide if you have questions regarding your sample preparation.
PERFORMAgene Partner Labs
DNA Genotek facilitates the linkage between Genomic Service Labs and Researchers and Breeders. Each partner lab within the program has demonstrated expertise in working with our products. This approach ensures that our partners can make the best use of animal DNA PERFORMAgene samples and deliver optimal results to our mutual customers.
The following partners offer outstanding services for the PERFORMAgene product line:
Diagnostic Service Providers
Genomic Service Providers
Would you like to become a PERFORMAgene partner? Click here for more information.
The PERFORMAgene animal DNA collection kit has proven performance for many applications on multiple downstream assays.
Validated on Illumina's Low Density and High Density SNP Genotyping platforms
MK-00193: High yield, high quality genomic DNA from cattle nasal samples using PERFORMAgene™ (pdf)
Validated on Affymetrix's Axiom Genome-Wide BOS 1 array platform
Validated on the Sequenom platform
MK-00193: High yield, high quality genomic DNA from cattle nasal samples using PERFORMAgene™ (pdf)
Validated on the Fluidigm EP1 system
MK-00194: High sample throughput SNP genotyping of cattle using the Fluidigm EP1™ system (pdf)
Validated on microsatellite panels
Validated on PCR panels
MK-00193: High yield, high quality genomic DNA from cattle nasal samples using PERFORMAgene™ (pdf)
Validated on the Illumina Equine SNP70 Beadchip
Find a PERFORMAgene Partner Lab to process your samples.
Custom Packaging
Custom Packaging
The need to collect DNA samples from remote areas requires mailing logistics that can be complicated and costly. To facilitate this process, DNA Genotek has conducted research to create a mailing solution that complies with International Air Transport Association (IATA) guidelines, while also protecting the collection kit on the way to and from the donor. The solution adheres to IATA regulations specifically for animal specimens for which there is a minimal likelihood that pathogens are present.
Since courier services designated as "ground" may involve an air transport segment, the IATA publications are broadly applicable to both air and ground shipments. To ensure full adherence, we recommend that customers check for any variation based on their local postal service.
Bulk Packaging
For large quantity purchases bulk packaging is an option. Each overpack box contains 10 kit boxes which contains 78 devices (three rows of 26 devices).

Custom Polybag
For commercial applications that require delivery of the collection kit and return of the DNA sample with the animal identified. The label can be branded with up to four colour graphics and contain custom information fields. The custom polybag contains an absorbent material sufficient to soak up at least 4 mL of liquid.

Two-way Mailer
For commercial applications the two-way mailer is ideal for situations that require a collection kit to be mailed to the customer and return shipped in the same package. The two-way mailer has sufficient space to include additional paperwork if required. Custom return label options are available. Minimal quantities apply.

Outer two-way mailer can be customized up to four colour graphics.

Inside flaps can be customized with instructions.

Inside contains one standard PG-100 DNA collection kit plus one MO-3.
Shipping Recommendations
Click here to view a guideline for shipping samples collected with the PERFORMAgene collection kit.
Mailing Options
Mailing Options
The need to collect DNA samples from remote areas requires mailing logistics that can be complicated and costly. To facilitate this process, DNA Genotek has conducted research to create a mailing solution that complies with International Air Transport Association (IATA) guidelines, while also protecting the collection kit on the way to and from the donor. The solution adheres to IATA regulations specifically for animal specimens for which there is a minimal likelihood that pathogens are present.
Since courier services designated as "ground" may involve an air transport segment, the IATA publications are broadly applicable to both air and ground shipments. To ensure full adherence, we recommend that customers check for any variation based on their local postal service.
MO-B provides a complete solution for your mailing studies:
Envelopes and labels: Catalogue number MO-B

MO-5 is a liquid tight bag containing absorbent material to prevent leakage during shipping. The instructions for use and biohazard logo are printed on the bag for easy reference. The narrow shape makes it an ideal solution for transporting tubes.

Shipping Recommendations
Click here to view a guideline for shipping samples collected with the PERFORMAgene collection kit.
What publications are available for PERFORMAgene?
PERFORMAgene has been used in many studies, a list of publications are available on our website.
Link to Scientific publications.
What Service Provider labs are available to process PERFORMAgene samples?
The following partners offer outstanding services for the PERFORMAgene product line:
What animals can these kits be used for?
PERFORMAgene has been proven to work for companion animals, livestock animals and many other animal species. PERFORMAgene has been validated on numerous breeds of cattle, dogs, sheep, goats, horses as well as other animals.
How long is the DNA stable for?
Once collected, the DNA is stable in PERFORMAgene kits at room temperature for 1 year.
What is the shelf life of PERFORMAgene kits?
2 years prior to use. The expiration date of each kit is printed on the label found on the side of the collection tube.
How can I link the DNA sample to the livestock's ear tag or companion animal’s micro chip?
All PERFORMAgene tubes have a unique standard barcode located in two orientations on the sample. This barcode can be scanned and linked to the animal's ear tag or microchip prior to collection. Alternately, the sample tube includes a large writing space to easily include the animal’s identification.
How easy is the sample collection?
Extremely easy a typical collection takes 10-30 seconds and can be done on restrained or unrestrained animals.
PERFORMAgene Collection Instructions
What is the DNA yield using PERFORMAgene with cattle?
From a study of 225 unrestrained cattle, the average amount of DNA collected with one nasal swab was 24.2µg.
Is there a difference in DNA yield between calves and adult cattle?
Calves tend to result in higher DNA yields due to the increased number of cells in the nasal sample.
How much bacterial DNA is in the PERFORMAgene samples?
Using a real-time PCR assay with bacterial 16S rRNA primers, the average amount of bacterial DNA was 3.3%, with a range from 0.4 to 14.2%.
Storage / Banking of Sample
Storage / Banking of Sample
What temperature should I store the PERFORMAgene sample at?
PERFORMAgene stabilizes the DNA over a range of temperatures. DNA samples may be stored at room temperature or frozen at temperatures such as -20°C or -80°C. Please note that storage at 4°C is not recommended for PERFORMAgene samples. Samples can go through multiple freeze/thaw cycles.
How do I transport PERFORMAgene samples through the post?
Samples collected in PERFORMAgene are considered "Exempt Animal Specimens" and are easily shipped within countries and across-borders.
What options do I have for purifying PERFORMAgene samples?
DNA Genotek recommends the following purification reagent, optimized for Performagene samples:
0.5ml Purification protocol (PG-AC1/4) – recommended for full purification of samples for downstream applications requiring very high quality DNA such as micro arrays and sequencing.
Link to 0.5ml purification protocol (pdf)
Can samples stored in PERFORMAgene be purified using automated extraction robots?
Yes. PERFORMAgene is designed to integrate directly into liquid handling robots without the need to prepare the samples in any way.
What is the best way to quantify PERFORMAgene DNA yield?
For both Purification methods, we recommend quantifying your DNA with a fluorescent dye such as SYBR Green or PicoGreen (Molecular Probes). Quantification by absorbance cannot be used
with the 50ul protocol as the reagents used will interfere with the absorbance reading.
Link to DNA Quantification using SYBR Green I Dye and Micro-Plate Reader (pdf)
What genetic applications can PERFORMAgene be used for?
As an all-in-one system, PERFORMAgene can easily be used for the following applications:
Downstream Applications
Downstream Applications
What downstream assays can I use animal DNA collected in PERFORMAgene for?
DNA Genotek and valued customers have validated PERFORMAgene on a wide range of downstream assays, including SNP Genotyping, microarray and microsattelites, sequencing.
PERFORMAgene kits have greatly benefited our project. To be able to get high quality and quantity bankhar DNA through such a quick and easy process, even while
wearing thick gloves in the Mongolian winter, is truly remarkable.
Douglas Lally
Nomadic Guardian's Foundation
Bankhar Project Field Coordinator

Collect and stabilize high quality DNA samples
Full terms and conditions for all DNA Genotek products are available here.
DNA Genotek's sample collection devices and nucleic acid stabilization chemistries are protected by issued and pending patents in numerous countries around the world.